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Ladle does not require any configuration and some features can be controlled through CLI parameters. However, more advanced setups might require some configuration. There are a few different files you can create and use:

  • .ladle/components.tsx, used in browser only to enhance your stories or provide them a context
  • .ladle/config.mjs, used in browser and CLI to configure things like the story search pattern or addons visibility
  • .ladle/head.html, injects additional HTML into the <head> of Ladle. Can be handy to load additional fonts or stylesheets. Alternative to the appendToHead parameter.
  • vite.config.{js|mjs|ts}, used only by Vite (CLI node environment) to change any parameters of the compilation (things like aliasing, dependency pre-bundling, babel plugins...) and some aspects of the dev server (open browser on start...). You should get familiar with Vite docs!


  • Documentation.
  • The parameter root is replaced so Ladle can function properly.
  • server.port and build.outDir are overridden by Ladle as well, so they can be configured separately from your main project since you probably don't want them to clash.
  • Vite config assumes that paths are relative to the project root; however, Ladle's root is buried in node_modules. You should always use absolute paths. Ladle tries to resolve relative paths relative to the project root but that doesn't work when configuring custom plugins for example.
  • Ladle adds @vitejs/plugin-react and vite-tsconfig-paths plugins by default. If you need to customize them (for example adding babel presets into the React plugin), you can add them for yourself and Ladle will use yours.



We use globby, go there to learn about all possible search patterns. Ladle uses this parameter to find story files in your project.

The entry of stories supports string or array of strings

// string
export default {
stories: "src/**/control.stories.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}",

// array of strings
export default {
stories: ["src/**/control.stories.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}", "src/stories.custom.tsx"],


Specify the dev server host.

export default {
host: "",


Specify the preview server host.

export default {
previewHost: "",


Specify the dev server port.

export default {
port: 61000,


Specify the preview server port.

export default {
previewPort: 8080,


Specify the output directory (relative to the project root).

export default {
outDir: "build",


Change which story is loaded when Ladle starts. It's the ?story= portion of URL. The default value is "" - open the first story in alphabetical order. Must be serializable.

export default {
defaultStory: "a11y--welcome",


Change the order of stories in the navigation . By default, stories are sorted alphabetically where "folders" have priority over individual stories. You should supply an array of story IDs (as used in the URL) or a function that returns such an array. Must be serializable.

Default setting

export default {
// note that alphabetically sorted stories are provided
storyOrder: (stories) => stories,

Using an array

export default {
storyOrder: ["folder--story1", "folder--story2"],

Using an function

export default {
storyOrder: () => ["folder--story1", "folder--story2"],

A wildcard can be used in both cases to match and sort multiple stories at once. For example, ["folder*"] will match all stories starting with "folder" and sorts them alphabetically.

Additional rules

  • If you omit a story from the output array, it will not be visible.
  • If you specify a story ID that does not exist, an error will be thrown.
  • The result array is de-duplicated.


Override the path for the Vite config. By default, vite.config.{js|mjs|ts} and vite.config.ts in the project root are being checked.

export default {
viteConfig: process.cwd() + "/ladle-vite.config.ts",


Base path for building the output; useful for e.g. hosting your project's storybook on GitHub Pages. Must be serializable.

export default {
base: "/my-project/",


Vite mode. If not set, defaults to development when developing and production for building static output.

This also affects Vite's .env file loading, as well as anything else setting mode affects. Must be serializable.

export default {
mode: "my-custom-mode",


You can inject additional HTML into the <head> of Ladle:

export default {
appendToHead: "<style>h1 {color:pink}</style>",

The same effect can be achieved by creating a file .ladle/head.html.


You can customize the default set of hotkeys. You can assign multiple hotkeys for the same action. An emtpy array disables the hotkey. Use meta for cmd on macOS and win on Windows. alt is option on macOS.

export default {
hotkeys: {
search: ["/", "meta+p"],
nextStory: ["alt+arrowright"],
previousStory: ["alt+arrowleft"],
nextComponent: ["alt+arrowdown"],
previousComponent: ["alt+arrowup"],
control: ["c"],
darkMode: ["d"],
fullscreen: ["f"],
width: ["w"],
rtl: ["r"],
source: ["s"],
a11y: ["a"],


You can enable or disable all Ladle addons (the buttons in the left bottom corner). You can also control their default state. Must be serializable.

export default {
addons: {
a11y: {
enabled: true,
action: {
enabled: false,
defaultState: [],
control: {
enabled: true,
defaultState: {},
ladle: {
enabled: true,
mode: {
enabled: true,
defaultState: "full",
rtl: {
enabled: true,
defaultState: false,
source: {
enabled: true,
defaultState: false,
theme: {
enabled: true,
defaultState: "light",
width: {
enabled: true,
options: {
xsmall: 414,
small: 640,
medium: 768,
large: 1024,
defaultState: 0,